ROSSBRO performs on a no-cost basis, evaluation of in-vehicle solutions, for accessory,
rugged computer/tablet mounts, or a client’s special request, to which an existing
product/solution is not readily available.
We design and manufacture ambulance, fire truck, police vehicle, rugged laptop/tablet
mounts, the most ergonomic, user friendly in the industry. We offer the RACA-C9 mount, US
Patent along with our VLM-08 models.
Over 17,000 North American vehicles of all models now use the Rossbro DSU on a daily basis.
They may be retrofitted for new accessories being added for driver reach.
We offer quality fleet vehicles iPad / Samsung / Panasonic powered docking stations / covers
along with our mounts.
Note: using the name iPhone / Samsung,/ does not imply,
approved or promoted by either name.